
The Nimravidae Franchise Commemorative Coin has won the Best Paleo Coin Award 2023

2024-06-20 16:05 | News, State Treasury Exhibition

Nimravidae, the 9th Franchise Commemorative Coin of the “Evolution of Life” series issued by the Bank of Mongolia in collaboration with Coin Invest Trust Company, won first place in the 2023 "Best Paleo Coin Award"category. Evolution of Life Series “Nimravidae” is a silver commemorative coin with rose gilding, 38.61 mm diameter, and weighs 31.1 grams. The family Nimravidae depicted on the commemorative coin is an extinct line of feline predators. They came into existence about 50 million years ago. Originally, they were thought to be ancestors of cats, but today they are considered their sister group.

Also, "Mongolian Falcon" commemorative coin, the fourth franchise commemorative coin of the "Wild Mongolia" series issued by the Bank of Mongolia, is nominated for the "Best Gold Coin" category in the well known international coin competition "Coin of the Year Award". The commemorative coin is 33 mm in diameter and weighs 31.1 grams and is pure gold.

Featured on the "Mongolian Falcon" commemorative coin, this miraculous bird of prey, with its sharp claws and powerful, hook-shaped beak, has been used in falconry for thousands of years. Especially the nomadic tribes of the Steppe have played an important role in preserving and passing on this wonderful tradition. The coin shows two views of this majestic bird. On the one hand, the almost adorable face and on the other, the robber with his razor-sharp claws.

Both sides of the commemorative coin are convinced by incredible details and a very realistic representation due to the sophisticated Ultra High Relief smartminting® technology on both sides.

Detailed information on commemorative coins merchandise by the Bank of Mongolia's Treasury Fund can be found at coin.mongolbank.mn